
For the absolute best in small engine parts and service call 716-668-2666 or toll free 1-800-724-7087. Located at 2041 Union Rd West Seneca, NY 14224. On the corner of Union rd at Clinton street.
Fox Equipment Corp, carries quality parts and products from such top brands of American Yard Products, Briggs and Straton, Echo, Honda Engines, Kawasaki Engines, Kohler Engines, MTD Products, Troy-bult, Robin Subaru, Shindaiwa, Tecumseh, White, & Wisconsin.
If you have a broken lawn mower, tractor, snowblower, leaf blower or any outdoor power equipment need Fox Equipment is the place to call. Our knowledgeable staff has over 50 years experience and can help you with all your small engine questions and concerns.
Store hours: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 8:30am-12:00pm Sunday closed